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Name Reference Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
BFLR/0051 BFLR/0051 Armadale Hotel, Arrad Foot 0.04 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2018-04-26 outline planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-3.06312 54.21821) Outline permission granted April 2018 for residential development. Redevelopment of hotel site. Gross 7 units, net 5. Reserved matters application submitted in April 2021 (SL/2021/0436) and pending determination. 2024-03-05 2017-12-01
BFLR/0052 BFLR/0052 Former Garage, Ashleigh Road, Arnside 0.07 1 1 not owned by a public authority 2021-12-15 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.83184 54.20319) Former garage site. Originally identified as having potential for 5 dwellings if developed for apartments, however subsequently planning permission (SL/2021/0789) has been granted for one dwelling and the site therefore no longer meets the criteria for inclusion on the register from 15/12/2021. 2024-03-05 2017-12-01 2022-05-22
BFLR/0053 BFLR/0053 Garages at Stewart Close, Arnside 0.07 5 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.83006 54.19394) Garage block in residential area. 2024-03-05 2017-12-01
BFLR/0054 BFLR/0054 Hartley's Brewery, Ulverston 0.34 10 20 not owned by a public authority 2021-04-20 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-3.092186 54.19636) Recently marketed for redevelopment. Previous lapsed planning permission for retail development. SL/2021/0067 Demolition of joiners workshop and barn, erection of 4 terraced dwellings, new external staircase to 1st floor flat over pub, formation of window and door openings in pub and existing offices and removal of existing chimneys. This application covers just the northern part of the site and there will be a further phase of development. 2024-03-05 2018-12-01
BFLR/0055 BFLR/0055 K Village, Kendal yes 0.93 88 88 not owned by a public authority 2018-11-29 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.743465 54.31959) Part redevelopment of existing building (via change of use, occupation of redundant plant space and conversion / extension of roof space) to provide 69 bedroom hotel (Class C1), 88 one-bedroom apartments (Class C3), office space (Class B1) and flexible retail / office space (Classes A1, A2, A3 and B1) with external alterations to existing elevations and internal courtyard space. Under construction and nearing completion. 2024-03-05 2018-12-01 2021-03-17
BFLR/0056 BFLR/0056 114 Highgate, Kendal 0.07 5 15 not owned by a public authority not permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.748081 54.32489) Vacant retail premises and upper floors, on Kendal’s high street, recently marketed for redevelopment and sold in August 2019. A planning application (SL/2018/0120) was submitted but not progressed. 2024-03-05 2018-12-01
BFLR/0057 BFLR/0057 Kendal Magistrates' Court yes 0.53 64 64 not owned by a public authority 2021-03-26 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.747815 54.33477) Demolition of existing building and redevelopment to form 64 retirement living apartments. SL/2019/0841 Demolition of existing building and redevelopment to form 64 retirement living apartments for older people, guest apartment, communal facilities, access, car parking and landscaping. Construction underway. 2024-03-05 2018-12-01
BFLR/0058 BFLR/0058 Garage site east of Castle Drive, Kendal yes 0.13 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-09-25 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.7279 54.3226) Redevelopment of garage site for five affordable dwellings. Under construction. 2024-03-05 2019-12-01
BFLR/0059 BFLR/0059 9 and 10 Aynam Road, Kendal 0.06 7 7 not owned by a public authority not permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.7435 54.3247) Planning permission SL/2018/0181 expired 29/11/2021. Demolition of shop, workshop, stores and house and erection of 8 apartments. Gross 8 units, net 7 units. 2024-03-05 2019-12-01
BFLR/0060 BFLR/0060 Porsche Garage, Longpool, Kendal yes 0.38 55 55 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-17 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.7394 54.3326) Former Porsche garage site vacated due to relocation to Carnforth. Permission (SL/2020/0908) granted for 55 retirement apartments. Under construction. 2024-03-05 2020-12-01
BFLR/0061 BFLR/0061 Former Beales Department Store, Finkle Street, Kendal 0.13 7 20 not owned by a public authority pending decision

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.7455 54.3278) Former Beales department store in Kendal town centre. Considered to have potential for a commercial/retail led mixed use redevelopment comprising a small element of residential development in upper floors. Recent application for a small part of the site (SL/2022/0406) for change of use of 1st & 2nd floors of former retail and retail storage & ancillary accommodation (Use class E) to 4 flats (Use class C3) with bin, recycling store and bicycle park (Resubmission of SL/2022/0405). Pending determination. 2024-03-05 2021-12-01
BFLR/0062 BFLR/0062 Former Safehands Nursery, Captain French Lane, Kendal yes 0.1 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2020-11-10 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.7529 54.3239) Change of use of former nursery to provide 5 dwellings. SL/2020/0648. Development under construction. 2024-03-05 2021-12-01
BFLR/0063 BFLR/0063 11 Daltongate, Ulverston yes 0.03 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-24 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-3.0972 54.1959) Conversion of former hotel to residential apartments and serviced accommodation 2024-03-05 2021-12-01
BFLR/0064 BFLR/0064 Former Fire Station, The Ellers 0.09 5 10 not owned by a public authority not permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-3.0902 54.1945) Former fire station site following relocation to Blue Light Hub. In Flood Zone 3 so would only be suitable for housing subject to satisfactory application of the sequential and exception tests. December 2022 update: the site has been sold and a planning application is pending (SL/2022/0722) for the conversion of the fire station to a Funeral Directors. The site is therefore unlikely to be available for housing and will need to removed from the register should permission be granted. 2024-03-05 2021-12-01
BFLR/0065 BFLR/0065 Yewbarrow Lodge, Grange-over-Sands 0.6 17 17 not owned by a public authority not permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.9066 54.1963) Former housing association owned retirement flats complex which has become vacant. Redevelopment plans are at an early stage for demolition and construction of 17 affordable homes, which would result in a net loss of units overall. 2024-03-05 2022-12-12

Showing rows 51 to 65 of 65

How to fix this issue

Your dataset is missing the SiteplanURL column.

The Brownfield land guidance explains how to fix the issue:


Enter the URL of a web page hosting the site plan, beginning with either “http://” or “https://”.

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